Sean is an engaging and informative author who never fails to entertain and this small but incredibly interesting book from him is no different to anything else he’s written.
His work here invites you to get outside and really engage with nature through Pagan practices. With chapters from cutting tools in ritual and religion to traditional folk customs, this superb little book manages to bring forward appreciation and connection with not only the nature around us but also with our own nature and the very human need to create.
I really enjoyed the little projects that are at the end of each chapter. All really easy for anyone to have a go at with lots of guidance and information on how to successfully achieve them. I’m hard pushed to pick my favourite because they were all great fun and useful to my own practice.
I also liked the tips on the safe use of blades and knives throughout the book when you’re completing the projects as well as the appendix on knife skills which goes into much more detail.
All in all, a super useful and enjoyable book that I would highly recommend to anyone looking to make crafting with natural materials a part of their Pagan practice.
Bright blessings,
Sarah x